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Monthly Archives: August 2009

This post is dedicated to my lovely senior friends. I HOPE YOUR YEARBOOK PHOTOS DON’T END UP LIKE THESE! Haha! 🙂

10.) He must really love working out so much! And look at his face! Looks like he’s gonna punch you anytime soon. I’m scared. :S

Gym God

9.) Oh, look! It’s Sir Lancelot from King Arthur!

Sir Lancelot

8.) Oh, so you think you think you’re Bruce Lee? I’m sorry, we don’t think so. :))

Bruce Lee Fail!

7.)  Really cool hair! Really. Not.

Horrible Hair

6.) This is the rapper, Lil’ Jon’s high school yearbook picture. He kind of looks like Kermit the Frog, don’t you think so? Well, at least he’s famous noooow. 😉

Lil' Jon

5.) If I were him, I would’ve just smiled differently. Or got braces. And got my teeth whitened. :))

Nice Teeth

4.) This picture comes from a high school yearbook. Would you believe that this guy just came fresh from high school. 😐


3.) Ano ba itech? Ang taroosh naman niya! May umbrella pa! Chos! (Translated loosely in English: What’s this? He’s so flamboyant! He even has an umbrella! *Err I don’t know how to translate “chos”, just ask your friendly neighborhood gay person hehe.)


2.) Wow, this is vanity to the extreme level. Oh, and look at his face! He’s so serious, it makes me laugh so hard. :))How Vain!

1.) Oh, so that’s why THIS happened. And they’re really proud of it, huh? Well, at least they look like they’re really in love. Or not. :))

Preggy and Proud


5.) Oh, look! It’s Sir Lancelot from King Arthur!

Sir Lancelot